Mesothelioma Lung Cancer
Although unofficial mesothelioma is a form of lung cancer, it is often referred to by those who do not recognize the difference between the two. This is a common mistake of many of the symptoms associated with malignant mesothelioma commonly found in those suffering from lung cancer, including dry cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath or shortness of breath. Hence, unusual mesothelioma is confused with lung cancer at a glance. However, upon completion of patient testing, including biopsy and exploratory imaging, a definite diagnosis of mesothelioma can be performed. This similarity is also important for anyone who has been exposed to asbestos, at work or elsewhere, to give medical history to their physician and work in a clear and concise manner so that a direct diagnosis of mesothelioma can be done. do when symptoms appear.

Smoking can cause lung cancer and, in fact, is the most common cause of this disease. There is no correlation between smoking and mesothelioma in a causal sense, but smoking can certainly aggravate the disease, so that mesothelioma victims should not smoke. On the other hand, people suffering from asbestosis, a disease caused by asbestos, should not smoke because smokers with asbestosis are more likely to develop mesothelioma in the future.