Mesothelioma can be very difficult to detect because symptoms symptoms are similar to other diseases. The initial symptoms of the disease are often diagnosed as age-related pain and pain - as is the case with increased diagnosis of mesothelioma in the elderly - or as symptoms of other diseases, resulting in an uneven treatment plan. which is ultimately ineffective in the treatment of mesothelioma.
In addition, mesothelioma has a very long latency period, which usually lasts between 20 and 50 years. This means that between the first time you are exposed to asbestos (the main cause of mesothelioma of all types, including pleural mesothelioma) and when the first symptoms appear, it takes several decades. This makes it difficult to associate these early symptoms, which can be very mild, with cancers associated with asbestos. However, you should know the symptoms to help detect the symptoms or the development of disruptive diseases.
Usually, the symptoms of mesothelioma begin to feel like pain and normal discomfort, they develop into symptoms such as:
- Chest pain
- Rough or loud sounds are heard
- Dry cough or wheezing
- Pain-stiff
- Hard to breathe
- Reduces chest expansion
At an advanced stage, symptoms worsen and continue in manifestations such as:
- Pleural effusion (fluid in the lungs)
- Coughing up blood
- Blood clotting disorders
Unfortunately, the most serious symptoms are very similar to other conditions, such as non-mesothelioma lung cancer. However, these symptoms are good indicators of mesothelioma. For example, 90 percent of patients have pleural effusions, which means that if your doctor can tell you these symptoms, they have a better chance of diagnosing and treating the problem.
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