7 Ways to prevent Breast Cancer

7 Ways to prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second-largest cause of death in women after cervical cancer or cervical data according to the World Health Organization (WHO). That's why in this month of October, Cosmo would like to invite you to start living a healthy lifestyle to prevent breast cancer in this way through the seven!

1. Maintain Ideal Body Weight

Being overweight or obese increases the risk a person is exposed to various types of cancer, including breast cancer. Fatty tissue increases estrogen production is excessive if the trigger is often associated with breast cancer. Limit your intake of high-calorie foods and beverages.

2. Sports

In addition to helping to keep stay in shape, exercise can also maintain hormonal balance. Regular exercise will improve immunity, prevent obesity, and reduce the hormone estrogen and insulin. Do sports with high to medium intensity 30 minutes in a day so that the body fit and keep breasts healthy.

3. Reduce Alcohol

According to the research of the American Cancer Society, drink alcohol twice a day can increase the risk of breast cancer by up to 21 percent. Instead of drinking wine, replace only with eating fresh grapes. Resveratrol contained in grape skins could lower the estrogen hormone levels that influence the risk of cancer.

4. Wear the right Bra

Use the appropriate bra is very influential in maintaining breast health. The bra is too tight can hold the breasts and inhibit blood circulation. Blood circulation will smoothly make the poison does not accumulate. For everyday wear bra cotton and avoid wearing a push-up bra for too long.

5. Eat Vegetables
Reduce consumption of red meat and processed meat is indeed very influential lowers the risk of cancer, but also accompanied by eating green vegetables. Can you eat broccoli containing an anticancer compound called sulforaphane?

6. Find More Family History

About 15 percent of breast cancer cases are related to hereditary factors. If one family member suffered breast cancer, your risk of experiencing it will be greater.

7. Routine Examination

Every woman should examine their own breasts regularly seven days after menstruation when breast tissue is not too sensitive. Do clinical examination by a doctor every three years. If found, the symptoms continued with an examination of mammography or ultrasonography (ultrasound)

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