What is Mesotherapy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

What is Mesotherapy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a type of treatment using injections of fluids that are tailored to stimulate the mesoderm and for a variety of purposes. The mesoderm is the subcutaneous layer that contains fat and connective tissue.

The mesotherapy technique was pioneered by Michel Pistor, a doctor who came from France. Initially, he developed this technique to treat tinnitus or ringing in the ears and treat pain. Today, mesotherapy is used in a variety of procedures, from treating ailments to enhancing physical appearance. The mesotherapy technique uses small amounts of pharmaceutical drugs, vitamins, homeopathic substances, and natural essences, which can relieve pain, treat muscular and vascular conditions, eliminate cellulite, aging skin, and lose weight... The main ingredient of mesotherapy fluid is phosphatidylcholine, an organic compound commonly found in soy products. It also contains a small number of bile salts which make the main compound more soluble. This formula will be injected into the skin, the location and amount depend on the patient's condition.

Who Should Undergo Mesotherapy and Expected Results

Mesotherapy is a versatile treatment that has been used for more than 50 years to treat a variety of conditions. Mesotherapy may be recommended for:

Athletes – Some athletes and people who are physically active require mesotherapy to treat inflammation and muscle pain due to injury and overuse. A special fluid will be injected directly into the mesoderm and dispel pain quickly. This procedure can also be used to dissolve and remove the spines or calcifications that athletes often experience, usually growing on the muscles of the upper arm and the tendons of the rotator cuff.

Patients with musculoskeletal pain – People with arthritis, sprains, back pain, and tendinitis can treat it with mesotherapy. • Patients with neuralgia conditions – Mesotherapy may be offered to people diagnosed with neuralgia, a severely painful condition that co-occurs with nerve damage. This condition usually affects the face and neck, but can occur in other parts of the body.

Cancer patients who have lymphedema – People with this condition may be referred for mesotherapy procedures. Lymphedema is swelling of the arms and legs due to damage to or removal of lymph nodes as part of cancer treatment.

Patients who want cosmetic solutions – Over the past few decades, mesotherapy has proven the benefits of beautifying their appearance. Obese patients need to be given a special formula to dissolve fat, repair damaged connective tissue, and improve blood circulation. Mesotherapy makes it easier for doctors to shape the body of patients who want to lose weight and beautify their physical appearance. Mesotherapy can also improve skin complexion by stimulating collagen production, preventing wrinkles and age spots, and treating hair loss.

The results of mesotherapy usually vary, depending on the patient's condition. However, the improvement will be evident after more than three sessions of mesotherapy, especially in patients who undergo mesotherapy as a cosmetic solution. Mesotherapy also immediately relieves pain in patients suffering from painful conditions. After receiving mesotherapy treatment, the patient can go home and carry out daily activities, but should not do strenuous activities for several days.

How Mesotherapy Works

Before starting mesotherapy, the patient needs to attend a consultation to discuss the mesotherapy procedure in detail and the patient's expected results. Patients who are eligible for mesotherapy will be given an injection of the mesotherapy formula, then asked to come back in a few days to check for the appearance of an allergic reaction.

The mesotherapy procedure has several techniques, the most common of which is the standard needle procedure which uses a fine needle to inject formula into the mesoderm. Injections need to be given several times, according to the patient's condition and the goals of mesotherapy.

Recently, a needle-free technique, which can insert mesotherapy formulas directly into the skin without puncture, has begun to be widely used. A special machine will exfoliate the skin and carry the mesotherapy formula through tiny EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) veins.

Possible Complications and Risks of Mesotherapy

Although it has been through careful planning and consultation, mesotherapy may cause:

  • Allergic reactions to the injected substances
  • Wounds at the injection site, disappear in a few days
  • Swelling around the injection area
  • Infections due to mycobacteria
  • Nodules under the skin soften
  • Cells and surrounding tissue are damaged (when there is too much phosphatidylcholine)
  • Nausea and vomiting

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