Symptoms of Diabetes in Women Need Caution

Diabetes can be experienced by anyone, both men and women. However, there are symptoms of diabetes in women that may not occur in men. This of course needs to be realized early on by women so that treatment can be done more quickly.

Symptoms of diabetes that generally occur are excessive thirst and hunger, weight loss or gain for no apparent reason, and frequent urination. In addition, the symptoms of diabetes can also be accompanied by fatigue, blurred vision, nausea, and wounds that are difficult to heal.

In addition to the general symptoms of diabetes above, there are some symptoms of diabetes in women that are typical and important to recognize. What are these symptoms? Let's look at the following explanation.

  • Beware of Various Symptoms of Diabetes in Women

There are several symptoms of diabetes in women that are important for you to know, including:

  • Recurrent vaginal yeast infections

Uncontrolled high blood sugar levels due to diabetes can make it easier for Candida yeast to grow in the vagina. This is why women who have diabetes will have more frequent vaginal yeast infections.

This yeast infection can cause symptoms such as vaginal itching, pain, vaginal discharge, and pain or discomfort during sex.

  • Urinary tract infection

Women who have diabetes are also at a higher risk of developing urinary tract infections (UTIs). This is because the urine of diabetics has a high sugar content, making it easier for bacteria to breed.

In addition, diabetes can also make the body's immune system decrease so that the body is more susceptible to infection. If these bacteria get into the urinary tract, a urinary tract infection can occur. Signs of a UTI include pain when urinating, fever, anyanganyang, and bloody urine.

  • Sexual dysfunction

Symptoms of diabetes in women can include decreased sex drive and vaginal dryness. These symptoms can be caused by diabetic neuropathy or nerve fiber damage due to high blood sugar levels.

  • Special Conditions of Diabetes in Women

Compared to men, diabetes in women is more prone to causing serious complications or diseases, such as heart disease and kidney disease.

So that this doesn't happen, it's a good idea to control diabetes regularly by undergoing daily blood sugar checks, improving your lifestyle, and using diabetes medications as prescribed by your doctor.

The following are some of the reasons why diabetes can be more difficult to control in women:

  • Hormone fluctuation

Hormonal changes that occur during menstruation, childbirth, and menopause make it more difficult for women to maintain good glucose or blood sugar levels. Therefore, women are advised to more regularly check their blood sugar before or after menstruation.

  • Consumption of birth control pills

Some types of birth control pills can cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Ask your doctor about recommended birth control pills or other safer methods of contraception to minimize the rise in blood sugar levels.

If you experience some of the symptoms of diabetes in women as described above, consult a doctor immediately. The doctor will do a blood test or urine test so that diabetes can be detected as early as possible.

In addition, to keep you from diabetes, live a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and stopping smoking. Don't forget to keep checking your health condition regularly to the doctor.

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